Sunday, May 03, 2009

What you need to know about target shooting

There Are No Direct Flights from Tel Aviv to Tehran

Sun, 03 May 2009 13:43:46 -0700
An excellent piece by Parvez Shamra on his inadvertent participation in the Israel lobby’s anti-Iran hatefest in Geneva. UN Watch, the organization that was hosting this event, is a front group for the American Jewish Committee. Check out this profile to see how these dubious propaganda outfits operate. The Facebook Universe is remarkable. After my recent post “ Poor, Israel? Sure, and I am Barack Obama ” I got a flurry of immediate responses. I had blogged hastily, still shaking wit

Why May Bank Holiday forecast has record for being cold and wet

Sun, 03 May 2009 14:18:23 -0700
It is the curse of the British Bank Holiday : the weather is rapidly goingdownhill just in time for a day off. And yet it looked so promising thisweekend, when much of the country basked in warm sunshine. However, the high pressure that delivered the great weather has slipped away,leaving thick, grey rainclouds streaming in from the Atlantic, with plentymore clouds and rain expected during the rest of the week. Barbecue temperatures of 30C forecast as Bank Holiday starts warm

Health officials close two schools in Miami-Dade, cite three probable swine flu cases (Sun-Sentinel)

Sun, 03 May 2009 12:14:36 -0700
Three unconfirmed cases now said to be out of Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County health officials today ordered two public schools in Doral closed for cleaning, citing three new suspected cases of the swine flu virus.